A lot of people want to donate their hair to an NGO which creates wigs and helps women in the battle against cancer but aren’t sure if the entity is trustworthy. After all, you need to be aware of the process and know if it is really going to get to the people that need the most.
Having this doubt is natural but with some tips, you can make a quick check up to be sure if the organization that collects the hair is earnest.
Do you want to know how to evaluate an NGO that does this kind of work in favor of patients with cancer? Carry on with our post and find out how to know if your donation will be handled well.
Analyze the recommendations of someone who has already donated
You can talk to other people who already made the hair donation and check for recommendations about the entities that helped. Check how was the process, orientations to follow and information that they have about the NGO’s work.
Talk to professionals from fellow salons
The entities that make the wigs for women with cancer collect the hair donations through the mail or fellow hair salons, close to you. Therefore, ask for information to the hairdressers about the credibility of the entity, how to donate the hair strands and the creation of the wigs.
Understand the process of the fabrication of wigs
In several entities, like the Laço Rosa Foundation, you get to know step by step of the wig’s fabrication on the own website. The orientations are pretty clear about how the strands of hair must be sent, after all, the hair must be in perfect conditions.
That way, they can make a wig with quality, that is, one that will bring welfare and will elevate the self-esteem of loads of women that do chemotherapy.
The donor registers and receives a shipping code. When the hair arrives to the entity, volunteers analyze the hair type, its color and the hair strand’s length. Then, they will make the wig and after that it is sent for distribution.
Verify if the website is transparent
Another tip is to verify information on the institute’s own website. Check if they are clear in relating the work that they do and if there are any doubts left, don’t hesitate in calling and have a conversation with one of the spokespeople.
Now you already know how you can check the reputation and work developed by NGOs that help women with cancer before donating hair. Your help is fundamental for this kind of service to keep on going, supporting women which are fighting the disease.
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