As soon as someone hears the word "cancer" they get scared. However, the unfamiliarity with the disease results in the dissemination of much false information. Myths about breast cancer, for example, confuse many women.

So, it is fundamental that the population does not believe in every fact before talking to a doctor. Nowadays, with the internet and fake news, many lies become strong, which can jeopardize cancer's diagnosis and treatment.

If you also get lost with so much information, check out our post and find out about 5 breast cancer's myths!


1. Only women with family history can have breast cancer

Women with mothers, grandmothers or aunts who had breast cancer get scared with the idea that they will certainly develop the disease.

It is important to highlight that the heritage aspect is one risk factor for cancer, but is not the only one. Age, environmental aspects, behaviors, and even hormonal issues have an influence on the development of the disease.

This way, every woman needs to do their preventive routines and the ones with a family history should redouble and anticipate the care, and also truly follow the gynecologist and breast physician's recommendations.


2.The self-exam dismiss the need of a mammography

It is important that every woman, from her 20s, do their breasts self-exam around 7 days after their period. The one who has already reached the menopause, the recommendation is that she chooses a specific date of the month to exam their own body.

However, the self-exam does not substitute, in any way, the necessity of mammography. Only this image exam is capable of detecting breast cancer, even if the disease is in your initial state. According to the Sociedade Brasileira de Mastologia (Brazilian Breast Physicians Society, in free translation) and the Federação Brasileira das Associações de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (Brazilian Federation of Obstetrician and Gynecologist's Association), the mammography should be done every year by women above their 40s.


3.Wearing tight bras can cause cancer

One breast cancer's myth is that wearing tight bras can cause it. The idea behind it is that it would compress the blood vessels, provoking the increase of toxins in the breasts.

However, there is no scientific proof of this hypothesis, so, wearing bras of any size has no relation to the disease.


4. Breast cancer has no cure

The fear of cancer is so big that some people believe there is no cure for it. When the woman detects it in an early phase and goes through the whole treatment appropriately, the cure chances are fabulously high. That is why it is very important to do a preventive routine.

Medicine has not stopped evolving and the therapies are constantly more efficient in combating tumors.


5.People with breast implants can not perform mammography

Women who have breast implants should do mammography exams accordingly to the doctor's recommendations. The implant does not interfere with the diagnosis of the disease. If it becomes hard to obtain the images, it can be requested other exams, such as ultrasound exams or magnetic resonance.

Now you know some breast cancer's myths. It is important to not believe in every information that is spread: many pieces of information do not have any scientific proof, so they are dangerous when we talk about disease prevention.

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