

The desire to be a mother conquers the heart of most women, but when they became an oncologic patient, there are very pertinent doubts.

The treatment can affect the fertility in many ways, depending on the type of cancer, patient’s age, location, the type of treatment that is being applied, treatment response and general health.

The ideal is that the patient talks to their physician, to get information on the possibilities of preserving the fertility before the treatment starts.

Some points can be considered to preserve fertility, such as:

●    Age,

●    Diagnosis,

●    Treatment method,

●    If the disease is already spread to the ovaries,

●    Time of fertilization, when the disease is already progressing,

●    Need of a male partner or sperm donor.

Most of the oncologic patients, even after the disease, can opt for having children. This cannot be the way you were dreaming before the diagnosis, but if you are flexible, there are some possibilities to consider. 

When a woman is infertile she cannot have children, because, besides her ovaries do not produce mature eggs, there are some alterations in the reproductive system which stop the eggs to be fecundated and, this way, they cannot develop themselves inside the womb.

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