A new test was developed in Cambridge University, in London, is capable to help doctors find out if a patient can have cancer again in the next 20 years.  This step is a big progress in personalized medicine, besides helping the lives of many other people.

The study shows that the way the patient's cancer can evolve can be determined by the creation of molecular markers category in breast tumors, which are DNA sequences that help populational studies, genetic mapping and individual personal analyses. They have divided these subtypes in 11.

By keeping up with 2 thousand women above 20 years old, the team that has financial support from the charity institution "Cancer Research", found out that when a woman who had aggressive cancer in the beginning, would have hardly any chance to have any tumor come back in the next 5 years.

But on women who had treatable cancer in the beginning, the chances for tumor come back in the next 20 years were a lot higher, which could be, untreatable this time.

They have shown that the nature of the breast cancer molecule can say how (and if) the disease will progress in each patient. Oscar Rueda, the main author of the study, hopes this technique can be implemented as a test so doctors can help their patients in an easier way when recommending treatments if found in the early stages.

This type of studies, besides being innovative, it is a big improvement in oncologic medicine. There are approximately 12.300 women in the United Kingdom that can be in the recurrences category and with this help they can soon be treated.


Source: https://glo.bo/2FvigMH


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