Celebrating Life (Celebrando a Vida in Portuguese) is a theme party that takes place monthly at the Laço Rosa headquarters. Its main objective is that the patients and cancer winners have fun, exchange experiences and celebrate life.

As we love partying, February's theme had to be Carnival. To be ready for our Bloco das Vitoriosas (Winners' Block, in free translation), our guests could do makeup with the help of Janiny Almeida and customize their shirts with Luiza Valente.

After a lot of sparkles, it is time to have fun. The music was guaranteed by the voice and guitar of Priscila Gouveia and Daniel Gomes, and by the DJ Alex. Nobody stood still, a lot of happiness and excitement to enjoy early Carnival.

Food, presents, and decoration are also essential for a good party. These topics were taken care of by our amazing partners that are always willing to spread happiness with us: MetrôRio; Instituto Invepar; Granado Pharmácias; All Sabor; Sorvete Brasil; Olenka Brownies; Biscoito Globo; Essential Aromas Artesanais e Flávia Velloso.

Celebrating Life happens monthly with a different theme. Stay tuned to our social media to know when the next event will take place. We are already excited about it! See you in the next one!


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