On Women's month, Celebrando a vida (Celebrating life) had to honor our victorious girls!

Our guests took part in style classes with Janiny Almeida. They learned how to use and reutilize clothing and accessories in different ways. They also learned that style is unique and depends on each one's personality and what is most important is to feel well.

After this class, and the runway show, we had a lot of dancing and music to lift up the day!

We thank our partners who are always willing to transmit happiness and work together with us to materialize this beautiful party.

Thank you: MetrôRio; Instituto Invepar; Lecadô; Sorvete Brasil; Biscoito Globo; Olenka Brownies; Granado; Essenciall Aromas Artesanais; Bpapier; Flavia Velloso e Janiny Almeida.

Next month there will be more Celebrando, we count on your presence!

Can you guess what will be our next theme?


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