Receiving a diagnosis of breast cancer is not easy. However, it is important to stay strong and positive in order to make the best possible contribution to the treatment. The days after the diagnosis are of many trials, but with courage and determination the worst will soon pass and one can go back to the routine.

Do you know why all this is possible? Because breast cancer has a cure! The International Agency for Research on Cancer says it is the second most common cancer among women. As if that were not enough, this index has a growth rate of 5% to 10% per year.

Although these data are alarming, it is important to note that advances in treatments have increased the chances of cure to 95% when the disease is diagnosed early. Do you want to know the advances that have contributed to improve the quality of life of the people who are affected by the disease? Continue reading and check it out!


Identification of the biological profile of the tumor from the biopsy

In the past, all patients identified with cancer underwent the same procedures, which made the treatments ineffective. With the advancement of medicine, it became possible to identify the biological profile of the tumor from the biopsy: this enables the study and analysis of each detail of the cancer, which are specific to each person and can be used as a therapeutic object.


Medications for HER2 blockade

HER2 is a protein that can grow in the tumor cell. When it appears in a larger amount than usual, the diagnosis tends to be more pessimistic as it can become a stimulus for cancer growth.

In these cases, in addition to the tumors being more aggressive, the metastases proliferate faster. This makes the situation even more worrying. There are, however, drugs with specific antibodies that block HER2 and do not allow it to spread.


Conservative Surgeries

Over the years, breast surgery has evolved a lot. Before, it was necessary to remove everything: breast, muscles and even the bones of the region. Currently, there are surgeries that preserve healthy tissues and remove only the tumor. After the procedure, the patient needs to have some radiotherapy sessions to complete the treatment.


Technology in Radiotherapies

And speaking of radiotherapy, the technology has evolved a lot in this segment: there are already machines developed to radiate only the tumor while preserving the healthy tissues of the patient. With this, the side effects decrease, which provides a better quality of life during the treatment.

Regarding breast cancer, the technology in the industry is even more surprising: intraoperative radiotherapy is a technology used even during tumor removal surgery. Thus, the patient does not need to do the sessions after the surgery.

With so much new technology, it is possible to realize that breast cancer has a cure. So, do not be discouraged! Follow all doctor's directions and be sure to do local and systemic therapies as they are key to healing.

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