
Free wigs for patients

Free wigs for patients

Facing a cancer diagnosis is not easy for anyone. In women's situation, chemotherapy can be traumatic and hair loss can shudder their self-esteem. However, it is possible to deal with this situation in a good way: there are institutions that donate free wigs for cancer patients.

Going through such a delicate phase, taking care of your appearance and feeling beautiful brings life quality for the patient, which will certainly have a positive impact on the treatment and recovery. Do you want to know how to get a free wig? Keep on reading this post and you will know what to do!


The importance of self-care and self-esteem for the treatment

Many do not understand why, when going through breast cancer’s chemotherapy, for example, one of the collateral effects is hair loss. What happens is that the medication works in every body’s cell, not just in the carcinogenic, which causes such hair loss.

If, for men, being bald is not a problem, for women it rattles their self-esteem as it affects directly their identity. That is why taking care of the appearance can interfere in the patient's well-being. The use of wigs makes women feel more beautiful and ready to fight cancer.


Recommendations before obtaining the wig

If you are going through cancer treatment or knows a woman who will be, there are a few recommendations for you before obtaining a wig:

Firstly, talk to your doctor and ask if your treatment will have the hair loss effect. In some cases, that does not happen, if the answer is positive, then ask in how many days after begging the chemotherapy your hair will start to fall. When it begins, go to your trustworthy hairdresser and ask him/her to shave your hair. It is a difficult situation, bit the most complicated is seeing the hair falling day after day, and having bald spots. Your hairdresser can give you tips on which wig is the best so you can feel great and extra beautiful.


Steps to obtain a free wig for cancer patients

Many women cannot buy wigs because of their high costs. However, some institutions have wig-base, where it is possible to obtain one for free.

The Laço Rosa foundation, for example, has an online wig-base, destined for patients all over Brazil. With such project, we have helped more than 3.500 people. To request a wig, it is needed to fill in the registration on the website and send the medical report. The patient can choose the style, length, and color of it.

See how easy it is to get free wigs for cancer patients? Projects like this bring happiness and hope to the women to keep on taking care of themselves while fighting against cancer.

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