In some cases, mastectomy is a key procedure in the fight against cancer. Even though you are uncertain about this treatment, it is important to remember that if your doctor has indicated it, it’s because he believes that’s the best at the moment to ensure your well-being and life quality.

Mastectomy isn’t only indicated for breast cancer patients, it’s also recommended for those who want to prevent disease development. Other than health issues it can also be performed for aesthetic purposes by women who intend to make their body more masculine.

In this post, we explain how mastectomy works, which the main types are and what to expect after surgery. Follow us!


How mastectomy works in practice?

Mastectomy is a procedure to treat breast cancer by removing the entire breast through surgery; it might be simple (one breast) or double (both breasts). As the procedure might be performed for other purposes, the type of surgery may vary. It’s up to the treating physician or the plastic surgeon to evaluate each case and determine the best option.


Types of mastectomy

Next, we present the main types of mastectomy and explain how each of them work. Check it out!

Simple mastectomy

This is the most commonly used procedure for breast cancer treatment. In this procedure the surgeon removes the entire breast. The muscle tissue that is located under the breast and the axillary lymph nodes, however, are maintained. Usually the patient can go home the day after surgery.

Double mastectomy

The double mastectomy, also known as bilateral mastectomy, is characterized by the removal of both breasts. Most often, this procedure is indicated for patients who are at high risk of developing the disease in the other breast – especially those who have a BRCA gene mutation.

Skin sparing mastectomy

Usually, this kind of procedure is not suitable for patients who have tumors close to the surface of the skin or very large ones. The skin sparing mastectomy seeks to preserve the breast skin to enable immediate breast reconstruction.

Radical mastectomy

A radical mastectomy is rarely performed since it consists of the removal of the entire breast, pectoral muscles and axillary lymph nodes. It’s done for large tumors that grow into the pectoral muscles.


Post surgical care

Taking the necessary care in the after-surgery period is essential to ease the side effects. The recovery time varies according to several factors, such as the extent of the disease, the procedure characteristics among others.

It’s very important to the patient to take all medications prescribed by the physician, especially if there’s pain. Also, it’s essential to see your doctor for a follow-up appointment a few days after the procedure, at a date indicated by him.

Drive, carry weight and exercise is prohibited in the post surgical period. In case of severe pain, fever, arm swelling on the operated side or swelling at the surgery site, the doctor should be sought immediately.

It’s essential to choose a specialized professional to perform the mastectomy. Only he knows to evaluate each case and indicate the best procedure.

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