The Encontro Nacional de Pacientes (National Patients' Meeting) and the Fórum de Políticas para o Câncer de Mama (Political Forum for Breast Cancer) are annual events hosted by Laço Rosa. The objective of this event is to empower our patients so they can know more about the disease, fight for their rights and to be a reference for spreading reliable information and demystify the disease and the treatment.

This year's events were sponsored by Roche, FQM e Novartis. And supported by Femama, TJCC, Rede D’or, Sakada Design and Approach Comunicação.

The National Patients' Meeting took place on November 7th. Such themes were discussed: breast cancer's risk factors; Immunotherapy; Advocacy; Cancer and sexuality; Work legislation and employability; Nutrition and physiotherapy.

The lectures were formulated to bring new knowledge and solve doubts related to the themes correspondent about life quality and disease's treatment.

On November 8th, we hosted the Political Forum for Breast Cancer, which united the industry, medical area, government, and social control's (through NGOs and patients) representatives.

The Forum brought up such topics: Patients' Navigation; Genetical factors; ANS' role of medicines and procedures; Biosimilars; PDP politics and Palliative cares.

The threes days were full of learning and experience exchange.

We thank all the professionals involved in the organization of the events and the volunteers who make our work viable daily.

Do you want to know more about any topic discussed at the Forum or the Meeting? Leave your comment down below.


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