In the second semester of 2018, we started to have weekly meetings with metastatic breast cancer patients. The meetings' main objectives are: create a safe and healthy place so everyone can share their experiences; demystify the diagnosis, and spread well-being and quality of life, to all the guests, when possible.

The metastatic breast cancer diagnosis is given when the disease appears in the breast and reaches other organs. As the disease requires continuous treatment, the patients live with many questions and apprehensions.

Laço Rosa's work is to diminish this anguish, handing in information and self-esteem to patients and their family.

The Meeting of Metastatic Patients, which took place on the 6th of November, at the Itamaraty Palace. To start the activities, we had a lecture with Dr. Gabriela Prior themed as: "My cancer is not equal to yours", showing different types of breast cancer. The professor Thiago Leão, who works at Oncologia D'or and grandson of Yoga's precursor, professor Hermógenes, talked about this activity and had a practical class with the participants. Luciana Lobo, from the project ZenCancer, also talked about the yoga and cancer experience. Another very interesting theme that was touched was "vital testament", brought by Dani Barata, from Luciana Dadalto.

The gratitude book was the workshop chosen to finish the meeting, which also has an inspiring moment with Leoni Margarida, AMUCC's president, and metastatic patient for 18 years.

Inspiration is the feeling we have after each meeting and history shared. Do you wish to be part of all of this? Do you know anyone who lives with this diagnosis?

Do you want to be part of the Meeting? Send us a message, we will love to have you there!


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