Mental, visual and/or hearing, physically disable people are entitled to the Interstate Free Pass. This Pass is not for the urban transportation or intra-state travelling. If you have a family monthly income per capita equal or inferior to one (1) minimal wage you are also entitled to it. Transportation means that accept the Free Pass are: bus, train and boat.
To get this right, it is necessary to sign the Free Pass Request and SUS Multiprofessional Team Certificate forms and send them, by regular mail, to Ministério dos Transportes at this address: Caixa Postal 9600, Brasília (DF), CEP 70001-970. The form can also be requested by the Mail Office to the Ministério dos Transportes. Along with those documents, you need to present an uncertified copy of any personal identification document.
To get the benefit at the transportation company, you must show 3 hours before the boarding time. The companies are obliged to book two seats per trip for Free Pass users.
In case the patient needs someone to assist them during the trip, the companion shall have the trip fee exempted, since them prove that he/she cannot afford the ticket. The need of a companion shall be written in the patient’s card.