

PIS is an Social Integration Program which promotes the employee’s integration during the development of the company, upon its payment.

PASEP is a Civil Servants’ Investment Program that receive monthly deposits make by the Union, States, Federal District, Cities and their independent governmental agencies, government-owned companies, mixed corporations and foundations.

Only the people that worked until October 4th, 1988 and did not withdrawal their balance is entitled to have the PIS/PASEP fund of the Caixa Econômica Federal Bank.

When you can withdrawal your money from PIS/PASEP:

Malignant neoplasia (cancer) of the account owner or their dependents.
Owner of dependent of the HIV carrier (Aids).
When the account owner has a disability or is elder and entitled to the Continuous Cash Benefit Program (Loas), granted by the INSS.

The withdrawal also can be made by the account owner that has as dependent their husband, wife, life partner, parents-in-law, children or under 21-aged or disabled brother – carrying one of those diseases. The amount is released within 5 working days, counting as of the withdrawal request.

To accomplish the withdrawal, you may go to one of the Caixa agencies with the following documents:

Work card.
PIS/Pasep card or PIS/Pasep registration.
Copy of the exams reports and results.
Medical certificate valid for 30 (thirty) days written with the following information:

Disease expressed diagnosis.
Patient/disease d clinical staging.
CID– International Disease Classification.
Physician’s CRM, stamp, name and date, duly signed by him/her.

Dependency certificate, if applied.

In case the request is unfairly denied, it is possible to appeal to court, presenting those documents above, the withdrawal request receipt and the total amount balance statement. The Special Civil Court can be appealed free of charge and there is no need to have a lawyer, since the withdrawal is not over 60 minimal wages (in case of PIS) and 20 minimal wages (in case of PASEP). In case the appealer wishes, they can request a lawyer or a public defender.

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