Permanent disability retirement is ensured by the Social Security to everyone that, due to any accident or illness, is permanently incapable of work and has no rehabilitation ability.
Oncologic patient also is entitled to it, since this inability is proven by an expert examination performed by the Social Security Department itself. But those who already has the disease or lesion that give right to this benefit, is not entitled to the permanent disability retirement, unless when this disability results in making the illness worse.
To have this benefit, you must have contributed to the Social Security at least for 12 months. However, the grace period fulfilment is not required anymore in case of occupational accident, as well as when the inability is related to the following diseases: active tuberculosis, leprosy, insanity, malignant neoplasia (cancer), blindness, disabling and irreversible paralysis, severe cardiopathy, Parkinson’s disease, spondylitis espondiloarthrosis, severe nephropathy, advanced Paget’s disease (deforming osteitis), AIDS, radiation contamination, severe hepatopathy, cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidose).
Although they have their own rules, the government employee shall be entitled to the permanent disability retirement and the sick pay benefits. They shall go to the Human Resources department of the institution they work for to get more information and follow the procedures provided in the By-Laws to get the benefit.
The patient shall go in person of by an attorney to a Social Security agency, present the documents and schedule the medical expert investigation.
Original Work Card or other documents that prove the Social Security contribution.
Employee Identification Number – NIT (PIS/PASEP).
Original medical report containing the following information: disease diagnosis, patient’s clinical history, CID (International Disease Classification), eventual consequences caused by the disease, labor permanent inability justification. The report shall contain physician’s CRM, stamp, name and date, duly signed by him/her.
Exams that prove that the disease exists.
Power-of-attorney, if that is the case.
The retirement is not paid anymore in case the beneficiary recovers that ability and comes back to work. The ability recovery shall also be certified by the INSS’s medical expert investigation.