The sick pay is a benefit provided by the Social Security to all that cannot work for over 15 days due to an illness or accident. The oncological patient is entitled to this benefit since he/she is unable to perform their professional activities. This inability is verified by a medical expert investigation provided by the Social Security itself. The employees that became affiliated to the Social Security after discovering the disease or lesion are not entitled to it, unless their cases become more severe.
Although they have their own rules, the government employees shall be entitled to the sick pay. They shall go to the Human Resources department of the institution they work for to get more information and follow the procedures provided in the By-laws to get the benefit.
The patient shall go in person or by an attorney to a Social Security agency, present the documents and schedule the medical expert investigation.
Original Work Card or other documents that prove the Social Security contribution.
Employee Identification Number – NIT (PIS/PASEP).
Original medical report containing the following information: disease diagnosis, patient’s clinical history, CID (International Disease Classification), eventual consequences caused by the disease, labor permanent inability justification. The report shall contain physician’s CRM, stamp, name and date, duly signed by him/her.
Exams that prove that the disease exists.
Power-of-attorney, if that is the case.
Income Tax
FGTS withdrawal
Vehicle – tax exemption
Sick Pay
Free Medicines
Interstate Transportation
Court priority
Inactive government employee
Private Pension Fund Plan
Advanced Health Care Directives