
Pink Conection 2018

Pink Conection 2018


About the event

The Pink Connection is an event organized by Laço Rosa for the training and State Front of Breast Cancer Fight knowledge development.

It brings together the NGOs and social movements involved with the Front to learn new ways to build networking and set goals for the group for the following year.

Nesse ano, o Conexão aconteceu em Paraty, no RJ. Foram representadas as seguintes ONGs, Movimentos Sociais e Grupos: APPO, Amigas da Mama Cabo Frio, Amigas da Mama Teresópolis, ABRAPAC, ABRACE Búzios, REVIFÉ, Fundação Laço Rosa, Pelo Olhar da Careca e Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Cuidados Paliativos Fiocruz.

This year, Pink Conection took place in Paraty, RJ. The following NGOs, Social Movements and Groups were represented: APPO, Amigas da Mama Cabo Frio (Breast Friends Cabo Frio), Amigas da Mama Teresópolis (Breast Friends Teresópolis), ABRAPAC, ABRACE Búzios, REVIFÉ, Laço Rosa Foundation, Pelo Olhar da Careca (For the Bald Look) and Fiocruz Palliative Care Study and Research Group.


Lego Serious Play Workshop

Lego Serious Play is a methodology for problem solving and strategy development focused on collaborative work. The goal is, from metaphors and personifications, share individual knowledge and build a collective knowledge.

Therefore, this workshop was organized in Pink Connection and through it, a future vision for the State Front could be determined.


Pitch Construction

Another activity performed at the event was a selling technique called pitch construction.

One of the main challenges of the third sector is fund raising for the creation and maintenance of projects. Therefore, knowing how to communicate NGO’s mission, values and goals is extremely important.

Fabiana Dias was responsible for teaching how to build a pitch strategy.


Fundraising Practice

From the training on pitch development and fundraising, participants were put into fundraising practice.

Several local businesses in Paraty were approached and those who could support the cause of breast cancer were Restaurante Brasileirinho; Loja É D+; Aline Modas; Viva La Pizza; Lavanderia Paraty Wash; Quintal Verde; A formiguinha; Pet Center Paraty; Empório Via Natural; Império da Moda; VK Tour; Hotel Villas de Paraty; O pulo do gato.

With this activity, it was possible to identify errors that were being made in fundraising; improve approaches; identify obstacles and opportunities.


For 2019

After days of training and knowledge Exchange it was time to set a network action goal for 2019.

The group decided that, from next year, the public policy for palliative care will be the main focus of the State Front of Breast Cancer Fight – RJ.

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