A study presented at ESMO Breast Cancer 2019 in Berlin kept track of 204 breast cancer patients who received nutritional guidance right after their initial diagnosis. According to nutritionist Bruna Moraes, this is important because not only does it help the treatment but it also increases patients’ life quality.

It has already been proven that both weight gain and weight loss are related to the increase of mortality risk to breast cancer patients. However, nutritional guidance is not quite explored. Therefore, the aim of the study was to show the advantages of following a healthy diet as soon as one finds out the result.

One of these advantages shown by the study, which consisted of monthly appointments with a nutritionist — as well as two evaluations: one at the beginning of the treatment and one six months later — have proven that there was a significant decrease of depression rates, as well as weight loss.

Giuseppe Curigliano, who is an oncology professor at the University of Milan in Italy, claims that it is utterly important for an overweight woman who gets to know about her breast cancer to have not only a cardiologist but also specialized nutritionist. They should help her to lose weight and to change her lifestyle and conditions in general.

And for this purpose, nutritionists ought to deepen their knowledge of this topic and understand that they are the only ones who can bring awareness to patients concerning their diets, making it clear all the benefits of their new lifestyles. Some of them include: a satisfying quantity of nutrients necessary for their treatment, their gut flora favorable to microorganisms related to the immune system and mood, besides the decrease of risks of diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes, and a suitable body structure.

Source: http://bit.ly/onconews-nutricionista


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